
Editing  | Writing | Publishing

Shutterstock image by Lamai+Prasitsuwan of pile of printed papers with red proofreading marks on the pages


I provide editing services across a range of categories:

  • substantive or developmental editing

  • copyediting

  • proofreading

  • other editing services.

Substantive editing looks at the document as a whole and involves reorganisation of text to improve language, logical flow and structure.

Copyediting focuses on grammar, spelling, punctuation, style and internal consistency.

Proofreading checks the the designed document for errors prior to publication.

Other editing services include:

  • formatting for accessibility

  • plain English editing

  • picture research

  • editorial training.

Different clients have different needs. Have a look at the links below to find out more about how I work with clients in your particular area.

Closeup of computer keyboard


I write a broad range of documents for both specialist and general audiences, including:

  • literature reviews

  • reports

  • white papers

  • policy documents

  • procedures manuals

  • industry codes

  • standards

  • brochures

  • websites.

Writing services are tailored to each particular client and purpose.

I can create original content or text from various information sources including a client’s own information, scientific journals, trade magazines, the internet and interviews with appropriate experts in the field.

Whole documents or particular sections, such as the abstract or literature review, may be commissioned.

Billycan Press logo superimposed on a dramatic photo of a billycan sitting on grass near a log with lake in background


I provide custom publishing solutions for print books and ebooks under my imprint, Billycan Press.